Sunday, June 24, 2018

       Solemnity of Saints Peter And Paul 
                              Traditional Latin Mass 7:00 P.M. June 29th
                            St. Martha Parish 214 Brainard Rd. Enfield Ct.
                                                     Una Voce Enfield.

A selection from The Liturgical Year vol 12 pg. 311-313 for this solemnity.
                              Dom Prosper Gueranger O.S.B.
                                      FIRST VESPERS
                                  Intro before 1st Vespers

After the great solemnities of the movable cycle and the feast of St. John the Baptist, none is more ancient, nor more universal in the Church, than that of the two princes of the Apostles. From the beginning Rome celebrated their triumph on the day which saw them go up from earth to Heaven, June 29. Her practice prevailed, at a very early date, over the custom of several other countries, which put the Apostles' feast towards the close of December. It was a beautiful thought which inspired the placing of these fathers of the Christian people in the cortege of Emmanuel at His entry into this world. But today's teachings have intrinsically an important preponderance in the economy of Christian dogma; they are the completion of the whole work of the Son of God; the cross of Peter fixes the Church in her stability, and marks out for the Divine Spirit the immutable center of His operations. Rome was well inspired when, leaving to the beloved disciple the honor of presiding over his brethren at the crib of the Infant God, she maintained the solemn memory of the princes of the Apostles upon the day chosen by God Himself to consummate their labors and to crown both their life and the whole cycle of mysteries.

Fully today do the heavens declare the glory of God, as David expresses it; today they show us the course of the Spouse completed on the eternal hills. 
[Ps. xviii 2-6] Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night revealeth the deep secret.  [Ibid. 3] From north and south of the new Sion, from either side of her stream, Peter and Paul waft one to other, as a farewell song, as a sacred epithalamium, the good word [Ps. xliv 2]; sublime that echo, sonorous its power, still sounding throughout the whole earth [Ibid. xviii 4, 5], and yet to resound as long as the world lasts. These two torches of salvation blend their flames above the palaces of ancient Rome; the passing darkness of their death, that night of which the psalmist sings, now concentrates light for ever in the midst of the queen city. Beside the throne of the Bridegroom fixed for ever on the seven hills[Ibid. xliv 7, 10], the Gentile world, now become the bride, is resplendent in glory [Eph. v 27], all fair in that peerless purity which she derives from their blood, united to that of the Son of God.

But we must not forget, on so great a day, those other messengers sent forth by the Divine householder, who watered earth's highways with their sweat and with their blood while they hastened the triumph and the gathering in of the guests invited to the marriage feast. 
[St. Matt. xxii 8-10] It is due to them that the law of grace is now definitely promulgated throughout all nations, and that in every language and upon every shore the good tidings have been sounded. [Ps. xviii 4, 45] Thus the festival of St. Peter, completed by the more special memory of St. Paul his comrade in death, has been from earliest times regarded as the festival likewise of the whole apostolic college. In primitive times it seemed impossible to dream of separating from their glorious leader any of those whom our Lord had so intimately joined together in the responsibility of one common work. In course of time, however, particular solemnities were successively consecrated to each one of the Apostles, and so the feast of June 29 was more exclusively attributed to the two princes whose Martyrdom rendered this day illustrious. Moreover, the Roman Church, thinking it impossible fittingly to honor both of these on the same day, deferred till the morrow her more explicit praises of the doctor of the Gentiles. She thus became more free to concentrate the demonstrations of her devoted enthusiasm upon him whom even the Greek Church herself styles in every form, the corypheus of the blessed choir of Apostles. [Patres, Concil. et Liturg., passim.] ...

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