Saturday, September 14, 2024

 The Final Gauge

                                   If THAT for which we labor here
                                 Be worthy our endeavor,
                                 The final gauge we need not fear,
                                 Since Heaven fails us never!
                                 Though wrong may seem to vanquish right;
                                 Though truth be crushed and hid from sight;
                                 Fear not the outcome of the fight!--
                                 God`s laws will stand forever!


The end we cannot always see
Nor can we understand
   That what man deems futility,
     God may have wisely planned!
                  Trust then in Him, and, come what may,
         Press boldly onward day by day;--
              Knowing that all things, now and aye,
   Are in His holy hand!

                             Clarence Mansfield Lindsay

                                                                                 The Crusader`s Almanac Oct.1941

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