Wednesday, January 11, 2017

January 11 The Sixth Day within the octave of the Epiphany
Hymn by Bishop of Poiters , Venantius Fortunatus from an ancient liturgy.

Let all ages acknowledge that he is come who is the reward of life. After mankind had carried the yoke of its cruel enemy, our Redemption appeared.
What Isaias foretold has been fulfilled in the Virgin; an Angel announced the mystery to her, and the Holy Ghost filled her by his power.
Mary conceived in her womb, for she believed in the word that was spoken to her; the womb of a youthful maid holds him whom the whole earth cannot contain.
The Root of Jesse has given its flower, and the Branch has borne it`s fruit; Mary has given birth to Jesus, and the Mother is still the spotless Virgin.
He that created the light suffers himself to be laid in a manger; he that, with the Father, made the heavens, is now wrapt by his Mother`s hand in swaddling clothes.
He that gave to the world the ten commandments of the law, deigns, by becoming man, to be under the bond of the law.
What the old Adam defiled, that the new Adam has purified; and what the first cast down by his pride, the second raised up again by his humility.
Light and salvation are now born to us, night is driven away, and death is vanquished; oh! come, all ye people, believe; God is born of Mary.

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